Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
Modern slavery, in all of its various forms, is a crime and a fundamental breach of human rights. Profile 2000 Windows & Doors Ltd recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and is committed to maintaining procedures to ensure that the workforce that Profile 2000, and its suppliers, engage are not subjected to slavery, forced labour or human trafficking. Profile 2000 operates a comprehensive audit and inspection regime throughout its supply chain to
assess risk and monitor compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and all employment legislation within the regions in which our supply chain operates. Audited factors include, but are not limited to:
- The provision and implementation of policies for the prevention of slavery, forced labour, exploitation and trafficking.
- Welfare and sanitary provision.
- Provision of contracts of employment.
- Provision of health surveillance.
- Staff accommodation
- Staff consultation
Responsibility for reporting:
All staff have a responsibility for the reporting of suspected incidences of slavery, forced labour and human trafficking and confidential reports can be made through the company
whistleblowing helpline, or directly to senior management.
Steve Monk – Director
Profile 2000 Windows & Doors Ltd
January 2020